The Front Room

The Front Room was birthed from a desire for a space where many could gather to hear and feel the love of God without stepping into a church building.

Contact Information

Located at:

424 Lane Street in downtown North Judson

For more information contact:

Church Office


Susie Bacon


If you are interested in supporting the ministry of the Front Room, you can volunteer to clean or donate money, food, or paper supplies.


What is The Front Room

The Front Room was birthed from a desire for a space where many could gather to hear and feel the love of God without stepping into a church building.

The Front Room gives multiple people and groups a space to do life and community together with events such as Bible studies, youth ministries, bridal and baby showers, Overcomers Anonymous, summer Bible School, family Thanksgivings, exchange student programs, sports awards nights, prayer room, foster care meetings, etc.

Its purpose is to provide a place for God to move and work in North Judson.

So as God leads you to engage this community in a missional way, remember you not only have a church family that can do it with you, but also a space to do so.