Hope Restored
As those who love Christ, we know that no person, no matter how they look or feel, is beyond God's hope and help.
Contact Information
For questions or further information contact:
Steve Purtha
Shane Good
What is Hope Restored
As those who love Christ, we know that no person, no matter how they look or feel, is beyond God's hope and help. And, in that same way, the building on the corner of Lane & Sycamore St in North Judson, which seemed hopeless and was on the verge of condemnation, is also being restored! Destined to be a refuge for the broken and hopeless, this building is a prophetic message about the restoring love of God. Named “Hope Restored”, this building will include housing, a coffeehouse, the ELC offices, and more as God's plans for it unfold.
How did this vision begin? God gave Steve Purtha a vision when he was about 13 years old of a place where the broken could find healing and help. He has carried this in his heart for many years, and God is beginning to unfold that vision through Hope Restored.
Please pray with us for remodeling permits to be released and for the lives that will be touched. Volunteers are needed to help with the renovation. Once opened, there will be many more serving, discipleship, and missional engagement opportunities.